

Customer Scenarios



The project grew out of the ongoing incremental work on the mobile app and checkout. It quickly became obvious that some of the traditional company thinking was out of date and not inline with the way people used photos on their phones.



Using insights from research, sales, manufacturing and support we worked through multiple customer scenarios and used these to build and archetypal user journey that we then mapped internal. The simplified diagrams made them easier to digest and these were later mapped against our experience.



  • We expanding our product thinking to beyond trying to just fix and improve existing issue.

  • We were able to explore new ideas, such as a ‘disposable camera’ app.

  • The scenarios allowed us to tailor journeys in the studio.

The green area represented the focus of the Photobox experience. This diagram showed where other possibilities lay.

Different user scenario maps were used to show different dimensions.

We used archetypal user scenarios in order to inform the service design.

Real user quotes were used to sum up the key scenarios.

We explored how Photobox could better work with other apps.

Design Portfolio V5.9

Created using Framer

Design Portfolio V5.9

Created using Framer

Design Portfolio V5.9

Created using Framer