Usability Testing
Usability Testing
As part of the Supreme checkout project I ran multiple rounds of usabiliy testing, iterating on the product as we went. In this example we focused upon the mobile experience.
Based upon a screener and discussion guide we worked with external recruiters to find five to six participants. We blocked out a day to run the tests, assuming at least one no show. We also integrated user research into each session which acted as a way for the user also to get mentally into the space associated with producing a photo gift.
Each session lead to an improved checkout. The final result was a checkout that was up to 50% quicker to use on mobile and provided a more seamless experience.
The work was a blend of User Research and Usability Testing
A simple system of pass, uncertain and fail was used for clarity.
This approach quickly allowed us to see where improvements were needed.
Each session used a standard five users.
The findings document focused upon the key screens for the checkout.
And just for good measure we asked users to rate the experience.